The Mission at Indian Creek is

To see that everyone would Connect-Refresh-Grow with Jesus and others.

Every moment of the Camp experience at Indian Creek is built on Connection.

Our programming and messages are built on the foundation of seeing that every single person is connecting with the people around them. And more importantly, that we are all connecting with Jesus on a real and personal level.

CONNECT is a pillar that drives our mission and vision in every way.


There is no better place to refresh your mind, body, and spirit than at Indian Creek. While we're not a luxury resort, there is something captivating about our rustic buildings, beautiful scenery, and awe inspiring movement of the Spirit of God here.

Because of the connection to others and Jesus during your time here, and because of your disconnect from the outside world, you'll leave refreshed mind, body, and soul.


Thanks to the connection and refreshment you'll feel during your time at Indian Creek, we know that growth is the result. Everyone who spends time here will find Jesus teaching them something new about life, or about themselves. When we connect with people around us, and with the God who loves us, we can't help but grow spiritually towards Him.

And our young people also experience growth in the social and cognitive experiences too.